Jun 21, 2020

1 Peter 5:12-14
Series: 1 Peter - Hope in a Foreign Land
NHBC welcomes you to the online service from June 21, 2020. We pray that the Lord continues to bless and keep you. We hope to see you soon!
- Jun 21, 20201 Peter 5:12-14
Jun 21, 20201 Peter 5:12-14Series: 1 Peter - Hope in a Foreign LandNHBC welcomes you to the online service from June 21, 2020. We pray that the Lord continues to bless and keep you. We hope to see you soon!
- Jun 7, 20201 Peter 5:10-11
Jun 7, 20201 Peter 5:10-11Series: 1 Peter - Hope in a Foreign LandNew Hope Bible Church welcomes you to the recording from the 9 a.m. service this morning. We hope that you enjoy the service and that it serves as a blessing to you. We hope to see you soon!
- May 31, 20201 Peter 5:8-9
May 31, 20201 Peter 5:8-9Series: 1 Peter - Hope in a Foreign LandNHBC met together for the first time this morning since the COVID-19 quarantine began. If you were unable to join us, we hope that you enjoy a recording of the 9 a.m. service. God Bless!In this study we look at Peter's instructions and words of encouragement to a group of persecuted believers scattered throughout the region. Join us as we work our way verse by verse through Peter's first letter.
- May 24, 20201 Peter 5:6-7
May 24, 20201 Peter 5:6-7Series: 1 Peter - Hope in a Foreign LandIn this study we look at Peter's instructions and words of encouragement to a group of persecuted believers scattered throughout the region. Join us as we work our way verse by verse through Peter's first letter.
- May 17, 20201 Peter 5:1-5
May 17, 20201 Peter 5:1-5Series: 1 Peter - Hope in a Foreign LandIn this study we look at Peter's instructions and words of encouragement to a group of persecuted believers scattered throughout the region. Join us as we work our way verse by verse through Peter's first letter.
- May 10, 20201 Peter 4:12-19
May 10, 20201 Peter 4:12-19Series: 1 Peter - Hope in a Foreign LandIn this study we look at Peter's instructions and words of encouragement to a group of persecuted believers scattered throughout the region. Join us as we work our way verse by verse through Peter's first letter
- May 3, 20201 Peter 4:7-11
May 3, 20201 Peter 4:7-11Series: 1 Peter - Hope in a Foreign LandIn this study we look at Peter's instructions and words of encouragement to a group of persecuted believers scattered throughout the region. Join us as we work our way verse by verse through Peter's first letter.
- Apr 26, 20201 Peter 4:1-6
Apr 26, 20201 Peter 4:1-6Series: 1 Peter - Hope in a Foreign LandIn this study we look at Peter's instructions and words of encouragement to a group of persecuted believers scattered throughout the region. Join us as we work our way verse by verse through Peter's first letter.
- Apr 19, 20201 Peter 3:18-22
Apr 19, 20201 Peter 3:18-22Series: 1 Peter - Hope in a Foreign LandIn this study we look at Peter's instructions and words of encouragement to a group of persecuted believers scattered throughout the region. Join us as we work our way verse by verse through Peter's first letter.
- Apr 5, 20201 Peter 3:13-17
Apr 5, 20201 Peter 3:13-17Series: 1 Peter - Hope in a Foreign LandIn this study we look at Peter's instructions and words of encouragement to a group of persecuted believers scattered throughout the region. Join us as we work our way verse by verse through Peter's first letter.